Barbara H. Peterson


Seasonings can be spendy, and full of things that we don’t really want to put into our bodies. So, how can you make sure that you get 100% organic, healthy seasonings? One way is to grow and prepare them yourself. Here is a simple way to make onion powder using Egyptian Walking Onions. They are extremely easy to keep, as they come back every year by themselves, and the harvest is bountiful.

Here is where it starts, at the onion bed. These onions will develop a cluster of small bulbs that can be harvested and eaten – delicious!

Step 1

Harvest the tops of your Walking Onions by simply grabbing the top cluster of bulbs and popping them off. Rinse, and let dry. (more…)

When the choice of purchasing Big Pharma drugs becomes too expensive, or you have done the research and found that most pharmaceuticals are killing people more often than helping, it’s time for natural alternatives.

For more information, go HERE

By Angela Kaelin

Source: Colloidal Silver Secrets

Historically, from the time of the Roman Empire to the days of American pioneers heading westward across the prairie, silver has been used to preserve food and beverages.

Because of its well-known bactericidal and fungicidal qualities, silver was used to make cups, pitchers and storage containers to help preserve food, water, wine, vinegar and oils that would otherwise spoil easily from bacterial contamination. What’s more, plates, bowls and eating utensils were frequently also made of silver. Sometimes silver coins were placed in storage containers to preserve food and water on long voyages.

Sadly, today most food processing companies rely on toxic chemicals and irradiation to preserve food when they could be using a safer, healthier and all-natural alternative.

Safe, Effective, Highly Beneficial

As a preservative, colloidal silver is not only extremely safe and highly effective, but it provides a number of powerful health benefits to the human body, including increased immunity and greater resistance to infection and disease. That’s why colloidal silver remains to this day the perfect added preservative for canning, as well as for lengthening the shelf life of the foods in your refrigerator or on your kitchen counter.  READ MORE…


If you want to take the skin off, blanch the almonds.


-pour boiling water over almonds, to cover them
-after ~1min drain, rinse under cold water and drain.
-pat dry, and slip the skin off.


carrot cakeEating raw foods is the best way to get the most nutrition from your meals. When I first heard of this, I thought, yeah, right – how boring. Eating salads and carrots and such for every meal sounds unappetizing and dull. Little did I know that there is a whole style of “cooking” that does not use an oven to bake or boil the nutrients out of our food, and is diverse and delicious. Take the following carrot cake recipe from Raw Living Foods for example. I could eat this stuff all day long and not get tired of it!
