Barbara H. Peterson


Cleaning is a chore normally accomplished with rubber gloves, barriers to keep animals away, locked cupboards to keep children from getting poisoned, and warning labels to indicate that contact with such poisonous substances is dangerous.

Quite frankly, I’m sick of it. I am tired of hoping that I cleaned off the poison used to clean my counters well enough that the piece of fruit that I just placed on that counter is safe from contamination. So, I tried the following recipe, and it works. In fact it works so well that I had to share it. The critters, kids and adults are safe, and it costs pennies to make.


1. Take a large glass jar and pack full with orange peels.

2. Pour real apple cider vinegar into jar to the top, wait for it to settle, then top off.

3. Place lid on jar and let sit for 10 days.

4. After 10 days, strain liquid from jar and pour it into a spray bottle.

5. Clean without worries!